Inside Polo 23
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INSIDE POLO with Ron Allen 23
The first two weeks of the US Open are in the books and three teams
are still undefeated. Valiente, Lechuza and Zacara have unblemished
records with six games remaining to be played before the quarterfinals
are determined.
Valiente beat Audi 12 to 9 and then needed overtime to get passed
a determined Zorzal team 13 to 12. The win came on an incredible
neck shot by Adolfo Cambiaso (10) just twenty seconds into the extra
chukker. In Bracket III: Both Lechuza and Zacara beat Mt. Brilliant and
Lechuza defeated Piaget by 3 goals while Zacara’s second victory was at
the expense of Orchard Hill.
Cambiaso - Valiente
The remaining schedule has Valiente up against a tough ERG team,
Lechuza should have an easy time with Mt. Brilliant and Zacara plays
Piaget, a team still looking for their first Open win.
If the Bracket III teams continue to win they’ll have to bring well tuned
horses to the quarterfinals matches since those horses will only get
two days rest before being asked to play in the highly competitive, all
important, quarterfinal games.
Ron Allen is the polo commentator for ESPN-TV and Pololine TV